Butterfly Decorated Cookies for an Encanto Birthday Party

Fun & Colorful Butterfly Cookies For An Encanto Birthday

  • 34

Is your child requesting an Encanto birthday party this year? The Encanto movie is so new, decorations and store bought bakery desserts are slim.

That’s why I have created this easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorial for making your own DIY Encanto cookies.

To match the Encanto theme, I have three butterfly designs and a flower design. All of the cookies are in bright colors to match your Encanto birthday party theme!

how to make your own DIY Encanto cookies for an Encanto birthday party

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Part 1: Gathering the Supplies for Encanto Decorated Cookies

To decorate these Encanto birthday cookies, you will want to gather:

Part 2: Baking the Cookies and Setting up Your Icing Bags

  1. Roll, cut out, and bake your sugar cookies according to the recipe. Keep in mind there are two designs using the butterfly cookie cutter. For a dozen, I’d suggest 6 butterflies, 3 scallop circles, and 3 daisy flowers but you can do however many of each.
  2. Make your buttercream icing and separate it into five bowls:
    • Put about a half cup of buttercream into one bowl and color that black.
    • The remaining buttercream will be separated into four equal bowls.
    • Mix one of the four bowls royal blue, one pink, and one lime green.
    • The last bowl will remain undyed/white.
    • ***Remember, your colors will develop over time.
  3. Set up your icing bags as follows:
    • Place a coupler into each icing bag & put one color per bag of icing. You do not need to add the tips yet.

Part 3: Making the Cookies for The Encanto Birthday Party

Check out the video above to see how three butterfly cookies are created for the Encanto birthday. Then, check out the photo series below when you are ready to decorate.

How to Make the Yarn Butterfly Cookie

yarn butterfly cookies for an Encanto birthday

In the Encanto movie, Mirabel wears a dress that features lots of butterflies, or mariposas. Here is my take on the yarn butterflies on Mirabel’s dress.

  1. Attach the tip #8 to the black frosting. Pipe out the butterfly’s head and then the body. piping the butterfly head and body in black buttercream
  2. To create the look of yarn, use the tip #16. Attach the #16 to the pink icing bag and pipe the butterfly’s wings. Remember to draw them from the body and not the butterfly’s head. use the star tip to pipe the butterfly wings use the star tip to pipe the butterfly wings

How to Make the Floral Butterfly Cookie

flower butterfly cookies for an Encanto birthday

Since Encanto birthday parties will likely have tons of beautiful flowers, a floral butterfly is a great addition.

  1. Attach the tip #104 to the lime green or royal blue bag of frosting. Pipe the butterfly’s wings by holding the tip so that the thin side is up and away from you. Create a ruffle look by piping up & down as you move left, following the curve of the butterfly wings. use a petal tip to pipe the butterfly wing with buttercream
  2. Go in with a second and third layer of ruffles in the same manner. As you add each layer, the piping tip will be held just a bit more perpendicular to the cookie to create height. Remember to leave space for the butterfly’s body. use a petal tip to pipe the second layer of wings with buttercream use a petal tip to pipe the third layer of wings with buttercream
  3. Flip the butterfly cookie upside down to pipe the other butterfly wing. This makes it so you don’t have to work awkwardly over your hand or try to pipe with your non dominant hand. flower butterfly cookies for an Encanto birthday
  4. Attach the tip #8 to the black frosting and pipe the butterfly’s head and body. flower butterfly cookies for an Encanto birthday

How to Make the Black & White Butterfly Cookie

Mirabel dress butterfly cookies for an Encanto birthday

There is a lot of inspiration in Mirabel’s dress when it comes to making Encanto cookies. These black and white butterfly cookies mimic the pretty scallop overlay at the top of Mirabel’s dress. Don’t worry, I show you step-by-step how to draw a butterfly if you lack drawing skills.

  1. Begin by filling in the background of the scallop cookies with white buttercream. You can use the tip #3 or the #8 to do this, depending on how thick you want the frosting. white buttercream
  2. Use the palette knife to smooth the buttercream surface. white buttercream smoothed with palette knife
  3. Attach the tip #3 to the black frosting. Make sure to rinse & dry the tip if you used it for the white before adding it to the black frosting. Pipe a dot of frosting for the butterfly head and a tapered line for the body. To taper the body, move slower as you draw the body so it is thicker, then move faster as you come to the end. butterfly head and body in buttercream
  4. Pipe one side of the butterfly’s body/wings. butterfly head body and wings in buttercream
  5. Pipe the other side of the butterfly’s body/wings. Try to make them as symmetrical as possible for freehand drawing. butterfly head body and wings in buttercream
  6. Add another line of frosting in the inner corners of the butterfly’s wings. Pipe some small lines in the middle of the wings. butterfly head body and wings in buttercream
  7. Pipe the butterfly’s antennae. black buttercream butterfly on white buttercream cookie
  8. Draw a scallop border on the cookie to resemble Mirabel’s dress. Mirabel dress butterfly cookies for an Encanto birthday

How to Make the Colorful Flower Cookies

Encanto cookies flower in buttercream

There are lots of beautiful flowers in Encanto so we need some easy buttercream flowers to add to the set.

  1. Use the tip #104 on either the pink, blue, or green frosting. Pipe the outside edge of the daisy cookies in just the same manner as you did with the flower butterfly cookies. Encanto cookies flower using petal tip
  2. Add in a second layer of petals using the #104. Remember to rinse and dry the tip before placing it onto a new color. Pro tip – if you want multiple flower cookies to have the same pattern of colors, do each color on the cookies before going to the next layer. Encanto cookies flower using petal tip second layer
  3. Add in the third and last layer of petals, again making sure to rinse/dry the tip #104. Encanto cookies flower using petal tip

Wouldn’t these Encanto cookies be perfect for an Encanto birthday party? They are so much more simple than trying to draw Mirabel or any of the other characters. Yet, the Encanto birthday party theme is definitely coming through.

Part 4: Decorating the Encanto Birthday Party

It’s so fun to decorate an Encanto birthday party. Grab some balloons, streamers, tabletop confetti, and a backdrop and you’re good to go!

Save the Tutorial for These Encanto Cookies For Later

Make sure to save this Encanto decorated cookie tutorial for your upcoming Encanto birthday! Use the image below to pin it to your birthday party themes board on Pinterest. Alternatively, use any of the social share icons on the top of the page to share it to your favorite social media site.

DIY Encanto Cookies for an Encanto Birthday Party Theme Butterfly Mariposa Cookies

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